juice up

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  1. Although it occupies the fourth place on Chinese juice market, taking up 7% of the market shares, but the rate of return for shareholders is the poorest in the industry.
  2. In the quest of keeping all of your gadgets charged up, nothing would be quite like using a bonsai tree that uses the sun to juice them up.
  3. If coffee or cold fruit juice perks you up, then go ahead and drink.
  4. Now let's really juice this up!
  5. A study has found that drinking grapefruit juice when eating fatty food lowers the amount of weight put on by up to a fifth.
  6. Some packaged juice cleanses contain considerable amounts of sugar, leading some proponents to grind up their own fruit and vegetable concoctions at home.
  7. Drinking around five cups of orange juice offers up a full day's supply of vitamin C; OJ is one of the highest sources of vitamin C, according to the USDA.
  8. The researchers found that when the mice were fed fatty food for three months, those given grapefruit juice to drink gained up to 18 per cent less weight than those given water.
  9. Using certain margarine-like spreads and certain brands of orange juice can reduce LDL cholesterol by up to14 percent.
  10. The red bayberry juice produced in this way discussed will be up to the state and enterprise standard of physicochemical and microbial quota.
  11. Little supermarket decisions we make everyday like buying milk, bread, meat, dairy, juice and even fruit can add up to weight gain.
  12. Tired seek a farmhouse, make a meal of a farmer rice, the country delicacies of the juice original flavor will make you rise to set up household a mind of falling the door here;
  13. An American Breakfast with orange juice, fried eggs sunny-side up, ham, rolls and white coffee.
  14. Drink some sweet-sour plum juice to quench your thirst. Charlie May was slightly satirical, for he had flirted a very little with Julia, and Hammond had cut up very roughly.
  15. Drinking beetroot juice boosts stamina and could help people exercise for up to16% longer, a UK study suggests.
  16. Had her juice and her crackers and went up to bed.
  17. Juice up your ride and experience the most aggressive racing experience ever.
  18. One glass of grapefruit juice, or eating half a grapefruit, is enough to suppress CYP3A4 activity by half, and the effect lasts up to24 hours.
  19. But stick to skim or low-fat moo juice and light soy milk; otherwise, the calories add up quickly.
  20. Cell growth was inhabited when the proportion of tomato juice in cell culture fluid was up to or higher than 20%.
  21. Pectin content and viscosity of orange juice decreased as pectinase concentration increased up to 0.06%. The nutritive components in orange juice treated with pectinase in combination with centrifugation resulted only in a minor change;
  22. Results showed that the descent extent of sucrose content in cane and gravity purity in juice enlarged continuously, but the rising extent of reduced sugar in juice and fiber content in cane increased constantly, along with the increasing pilling up time.
  23. Chinese fruit juice export has been going up rapidly in recent years, and China has switched to the role of the global apple juice concentrate processing center.
  24. The transmittance of clarified juice under this condition was up to 98.9%, the nutrient and bioactive ingredients in sea buckthorn juice were almost not destroyed.
  25. This thesis based on the survey and understanding of juice processing enterprises machinery company, FEX Corp., from the perspective of human resources summed up the main problems, analyze the key factors and worked out scientific and reasonable solution.
  26. Orange juice has taken up the largest market of fruit drink consumption, and in China, the industry of orange juice processing drops far behind America and Brazil.



  1. make more interesting or lively
    1. juice up a party
    2. pep up your paper

    Synonym:    jazz uppep upginger up